AI Engineering
Personalized Curriculum

Accelerate Your Development of Competence
Through A Personalized Learning

Self paced personalized learning:

AiCE program was launched in 2021 to reimagine engineering education in Thailand. Our competency-based program is created by academics in collaboration with industry professionals with a focus on integrative skills to guarantee that you obtain relevant competencies to help you stand out in the AI Engineering field and advance your career at your own pace.

Real-world task

A task that measures your knowledge through industry-driven practical application in real world context.

Bite-sized module

Chunking course content into modules, breaking down the course content into smaller, more manageable pieces. A flexible way of learning. More personalized.


Knowledge, skills and dispositions that students are expected to gain from a bite sized learning module. To move on, students must demonstrate mastery of a those skills.

Continuous assessment

The elements in an on-going assessment that students' mastery of competencies will be evaluated on throughout their journey.


Students are evaluated based on how well they demonstrate each of the criteria of task assigned.

Competency deck

A personalized dashboard that shows students their academic progress on each competency. This helps to identify strengths and areas that needs more focus.

Recommendation & Consultation

Mentors select the next task for the learner or to give a challenge in areas not yet mastered, and practice in areas that seem well understood.


It creates learning partnerships, promotes collegiality and develops a sense of mutual accountability among the students. Learn from each others.

4 Pillars of AI Engineering &
5 Domain-Specific AI Applications

AiCE at CMKL pioneered the self-paced Competency-Based for AI Engineer curriculum in Thailand and was the first university to offer a Competency-Based undergraduate degree program.


Program Educational Objective : 3Es at AiCE

Engineering Expert:

  • Our students should understand the underlying process behind the algorithmic 'blackbox' in order to identify the trade-off and utilize different techniques for appropriate application.
  • Our students should be able to solve end-to-end engineering problems.
  • Our students will be able to deliver the solution that reflect the technical breadth, adapt to context and drawing from multiple disciplines.
  • Our students will be able to deliver the solutions that reflect the technical depth giving competitive advantage to the approach.

Entrepreneurial Innovator:

  • Practical engineer: As an engineer, the student should be able to apply fundamental methods and techniques and create solution for the problem, by considering the trade-offs from different angles and constraints.
  • Our students should understand the business & social contexts required to engineer a system and able to challenge or improve upon existing process, or building new venture if want to.
  • Our students should demonstrate creativity in engineering approach and how they solve the problem.
  • Our students will be able to think strategically in planning and executions.
  • Our students should be able to identify opportunity in business & social context and derive a solution.

Ethical Leaders:

  • Our students will be able to take initiative and able to contribute to the success of organization.
  • Our students will behave according to a set of principles and values that are recognized by the majority as a sound basis for the common good. These include integrity, respect, trust, fairness, transparency, and honesty.
  • Our students will be able lead and work in a diverse, multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Our students will be leaders in organization, profession, and being mindfulness to the society.

AiCE Curriculum Development Team

Dr. Akkarit Sangpetch
Program Director
Dr. Orathai Sangpetch
Program Director
Dr. Rachel Dzombak
Digital Transformation Lead, SEI AI Division, Carnegie Mellon University
Apirujee Rujirek
Curriculum/ Instructional Designer
Dr. Sally Goldin
Dr. Paulo Garcia
Kamin Phakdurong
Natasha Patamapongst


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

By inquiry form
General program inquiry form