'AI is a natural progression of computer technology that has the potential to impact human intelligence in the near future'
said Dr. Supan Tungjitkusolmun, President and a founding member of CMKL University. He believes that AI can be applied to everything and that it is vital for everyone to learn about AI and explore its potential impact across all sectors and industries. Dr. Supan himself has made significant contributions to the field of Biomedical Engineering, where he is currently an associate professor at KMITL and continues to do his research. He mentions that soon, ‘all industrial sectors in Thailand will have to Adopt AI. Medicine is an obvious example.’ The field of Healthcare and Medicine is an industry that is ripe for change, and AI can help.
According to Dr. Supan, CMKL University and KMITL are collaborating to develop new AI technology for Medicine to support the newly established hospital, King Mongkut Chaokhun Thaharn Hospital (KMCH), with the goal of improving the quality of healthcare for Thai patients while also offering innovative technology to compete in the fast-paced world.
Dr. Supan's current initiatives provide two fascinating examples of how AI is advancing the practice of Medicine. The first is the application of AI for Cardiac Diseases treatment, in which he explains that AI is used ‘to improve the precision of the treatment location for Radiofrequency Cardiac Ablation.' Another promising development is using AI to classify Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) for Alzheimer's patients. 'We can use AI to help detect early signs of Alzheimer's in elder patients so that we can treat them before the symptoms get worse,' Dr. Supan explains. You can say that AI is transforming the practice of Medicine and helping improve the outcome for most patients.
As far as the future goes, Dr. Supan stands by this:
The marriage of AI and the Human Brain will be the future.