When thinking about the word “Autonomous Vehicles”, an image of self-drive cars conjures up. The
transformation of Autonomy is now much more than personal transportation.
Due to rising delivery demands, driver shortages, and undemanding operational domains,
autonomoustrucks would be the first autonomous vehicle that use AI to automate things from shipping
processes tolong-haul delivery to hit public roads.
In order to develop safety and capabilities for logistics, it is the fact that AI uses long-range and high
resolution sensors, a range of deep neural networks and high-performance.
In today’s world with an augmented e-commerce and next-day delivery, more than 70 percent of
Truck transportation in the U.S play a vital role in most necessary businesses, including grocery stores and
gas stations to help distribute supplies and to move the world forward.
Autonomous driving helps ease trucking demands and increase efficiency with lower human labor
requirements. Plus, TuSimple and the U.S. Postal revealed that the vehicles always arrived ahead of
schedule on hub-to-hub routes where limited fenced-in areas or highways and constrained to challenges of
urban traffic and neighborhood driving.

In some part of this breakthrough is possible owing to centralized, high-performance compute such
asthe NVIDIA DRIVE platform. However, to process the networks as mentioned above, it is necessary to work
without human supervision, so these vehicles are going to balance delivery and logistics in the years to
Scalable Solutions for the Long Haul
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) determines that autonomous driving is a scalable technology
scaled by AI compute, including an assisted driving withthe in-controlled drivers (Level 2) and a full self-
driving with no human guidance (Level 4/5). With NVIDIA DRIVE, the level 2 to fully autonomous operation
can be easily scaled.

On the Open Road
Beyond the development of recent trucking practices, this autonomous technology opens the new
paths and opportunities for the industry.

One of the biggest truck manufacturing companies, Volvo Group, is utilizing NVIDIA DRIVE to practice
and verify self-driving AI vehicles targeting public transport, freight transport, refuse and recycling
collection, construction, mining, forestry and more.

At the same time, Einride, a self-driving truck startup, is enlarging cab-less vehicles as the next era of
Pod trucks by using NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Orin. From closed-facility to autonomous operation, their state-of-
the-art haulers will be hit on back roads and highways. All over the world, with high-performance and
energy-efficient to push the limits of delivery and logistics, it is AI compute to show what is possible to this
Source: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2021/02/04/what-is-autonomous-truck/