Pet-Friendly Bangkok

In our project called ‘Pet-Friendly Bangkok’, the problem that was given to us was that people that live in a large city have trouble trying to find places that they want to go to.

To begin with, our project will only cover the area of Bangkok, Thailand since it is the main city and we can use it as a sample as well. Then it will solve the problem by building a software application, either on a mobile device or on a website. This web application will be able to allow users to request specific information about a specific category of a facility by using search filters, namely district, facility name, service, and animal type. Moreover, it will also display a map showing the facilities in a geographic area (e.g., Bangkok, Khlong Toei).

Project Objectives

As of right now, our project will be able to

1. Allow users to find information about a specific pet facility in a particular geographic area.

2. Display a map showing the known facilities in the geographic area.

3. The user selects one facility on the map and gets detailed information about that particular facility.

Summary and Accomplishments

For our front end, we successfully connect the user interface application with the leaflet, which provides us with the map that the user can interact with. And the application alone can be run perfectly with all the clicking buttons and basic interface needed to interact with the map.

For our database, we successfully transferred the raw data file of all the pet facilities using Google Sheets into a CSV file that can then be converted into a database file using SQLite into an organized table. Furthermore, for our backend, we also successfully connect our database with ExpressJS, which can then get the data from the database and convert it to a JSON FILE.

After this, the front end can send the http request to ExpressJS, which gets the data back to the front end to be displayed nicely.

Future Direction

For our future plans, we are thinking about further developing our application to be more convenient for the user. We might add a part where the user can quickly navigate to the place they choose with a parking space near the facility they choose. We are also going to expand the amount of facility names and information stored in our database because currently, our database information is still insufficient.  

Rawipol Korpraphong
CMKL University
Panupong Dangkajitpetch
CMKL University
Matt Naganidhi
CMKL University
Sally Goldin
Assistant Professor
CMKL University